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Click Accept to accept the Terms and Conditions. Click Run or Save. Click Yes to allow Procore to make changes to your device. Note: You will need Administrator rights to your computer. The windows provide ease of access to end user when performing specific project review task. Each window are represented by a tab located at the sides and bottom of the model space. Figure 3: Docked windows Challenge Systems Inc. InfoCenter Provides an access to product-related information.

Enables user to search for key words, enter a question for help, display the Communication Center panel for product updates and announcements, and display the Favorites panel to access saved topics.

Ribbon The primary user interface for accessing commands and features. It is a palette that displays task-based commands and controls. Scene View The area where the 3D model is displayed. Status Bar It is located at the bottom left of the application screen. There are four icons in the Status Bar that gives feedback on the performance of Autodesk Navisworks in the machine. Disk to Memory Indicator, indicates how much of the current model is loaded from disk. Memory Usage Indicator, displays the amount of memory being used by Autodesk Navisworks.

Indicates a bottleneck Challenge Systems Inc. The settings specified in the options editor can be exported and shared with other users in the network. The exported file will have an XML file extension. The display units are used to measure geometry, set tolerance for clash detection and align appended models.

By Default, Autodesk Navisworks reads the unit directly from the originating file. Figure 6: Performance settings in the options editor Challenge Systems Inc. Open Autodesk Navisworks Manage 2. On the Viewpoint Defaults, set the settings as shown on the figure below. Click Ok.

Expand the Interface link, select Display Units. Specify angular units to Degrees, Minutes and Seconds. Exercise 2: Adding Dockable Windows 4.

Go to Snapping option, in the Picking section, check all the snap options and set the Rotation: Angles to 30 1. Open Brewery. Drag the clash detective window to the left pane of Autodesk Navisworks screen. Once the docking guides are visible as shown on the figure below , point the cursor to left side docking guide.

Continue from the previous exercise. On the ribbon, go to Viewpoint tab. Select Add to Quick Access Toolbar. The window will be docked on the screen. Unpin the window, to auto-hide task when not in use. The walk icon is added to quick access toolbar. Repeat step 2 and select Properties.

Dock the window on the right side of the screen. Exercise 3: Saving Workspace 1. Continue from previous exercise. From the ribbon, go to the VIEW tab. Merge various task done in Autodesk Navisworks in one scene. Publish a Navisworks model for the use of other project team members.

Open Files Files can be opened either through the application menu or from the quick access toolbar. Figure 1: Options for opening file Note that only one active model can be opened in an Autodesk Navisworks session. The append command can be found in the home tab of the ribbon toolbar. Note: When appending files with different units, the other files will be automatically scaled to the units of the first file loaded into the scene.

Before loading the files, ensure that default unit settings are configured for each file type. Figure 2: Append icon Challenge Systems Inc. Figure 3: Options available for files loaded in Navisworks Setting Display Units The program is able to understand what unit scale the scene is presented in. Set the single unit scene in global options.

Figure 4: The refresh icon Challenge Systems Inc. Different disciplines will inspect the collaborated model and add review mark-ups and other review tasks such as viewpoints, redlines, clash detection, etc. The project coordinator can then merge these files with the review feedback performed by project team members into a single file, where all review mark-ups will be combined but will avoid geometry duplicate and review mark-ups that is similar amongst the other NWF files.

Figure 5: Merge command Publishing Files To share the model for those design member who need to view the model or for a full design review. Additional information can be added on the details for the published file as shown on the figure below. Password protection and file expiration can also be set for another layer of security. Figure 6: The publish settings Challenge Systems Inc. Click the application icon on the upper left portion of the Autodesk Navisworks screen.

Click OPEN. Repeat step 1 from previous exercise. Exercise 3: Appending Files 1. Open a new session of Autodesk Navisworks. Browse to NWM folder, open ch2 folder and go to appending folder. Click open and inspect the components added on the scene view. Close the session by selecting NEW on the application menu drop down, do not save the file.

Exercise 4: Merge Review Sessions 1. Click Open. Repeat step 2. Notice that two saved viewpoints are added. On the saved viewpoints, select Problem Area 1. Scene will switch to another view. Repeat step 8 for Tag View 2. Check the current saved viewpoints in the opened model. Select Publish.

On the publish dialog box, configure the following details as shown on the figure: Click OK. Set the password to Test1 password is case sensitive. Retype the password to confirm and click OK. Save the published file as Publish Exercise. Click SAVE. Open a new session to close the active scene. Open the Publish Exercise. Enter the password Test1. The following are the navigation mode categories: 1.

Camera-centric mode — the camera moves around the scene. Model-centric mode — the scene moves in front of the camera. The drop down icon located at the bottom right of the steering wheel offers displays further navigation settings. By default it is located at the right side of the scene view.

View Cube An interface element displayed at the top most right corner of the scene view. It reorients the current view of the model. Zoom Tools Increase or decreases the magnification of the current view of the model. Orbit Tools Rotates the model around a pivot point whilst the view remain fixed. Home View A view of the model saved to immediately revert to a familiar view. Figure 5: Context menu for home icon Camera During model navigation, a user can choose to use either a perspective camera or an orthographic camera.

Slider can be adjusted at saved viewpoints or when model is viewed in a perspective camera. Figure 7: FOV slider Head-Up Display Shows the details about the position of the camera with respect to the eye of an avatar if third person is activated. The moment it is selected, HUD will be shown at the lower left portion of the scene view.

The grid points can be identified by hovering the cursor on a grid intersection. These realism navigation settings can be customized for a better virtual inspection of the model. Applies gravity to represent real-world object weight. The function works in connection with collision.

This enables the user to crouch when it encounters an object that are too low to walk under. Press Orbit, slowly move the mouse to change model orientation. Press PAN in the steering wheel and drag the mouse backwards. Press ZOOM and drag mouse forward to zoom in. To zoom out drag mouse backwards.

Modify linear speed and angular speed as shown below and click OK. To adjust the camera position, roll the mouse either inwards or outwards. Move the mouse to left or right. Exercise 3: Grids and Levels 1. Select Looking at Reception Counter viewpoint.

Cursor will change to footsteps icon. Grid details will be shown. Exercise 4: Adding Realism for Navigation 1.

Open realism. Roll the mouse wheel inwards to reorient camera view and drag mouse downward to move the avatar to the ground. Drag the mouse forward to start the walk mode.

Use the arrow keys of the keyboard to manipulate walk direction. Figure 2: Selection tree window Challenge Systems Inc. A layer or level. If in the imported file the instance was unnamed, Navisworks names the instance to match its child's name.

An item of geometry, such as a polygon. A composite object. A single CAD object that is represented in Navisworks by a group of geometry items. Selecting Objects Often in the collaboration stage, objects will be selected and selecting a project component in large models is time-consuming. Cycle on Different Selections To be more specific on objects being selected and to cycle through the selection, hold the SHIFT key whilst selecting items. This select box tool, enables multiple selection in the scene view by dragging a rectangular box in the portion of interest.

Figure 4: Selection settings in options editor Challenge Systems Inc. Autodesk Navisworks introduces different methods in finding these assets. View Opens the currently selected sheet or model in the Scene View. Hide Objects Turn off the visibility of objects or group of objects when not needed to easily navigate around the model during the review session. Override Color — allows a user-defined color to be added to an item in the scene.

The old color is saved in case it needs to be reset later. Override Transform — allows a change in the position of an item in the scene.

Selection Set Objects that were selected in the scene view can be grouped together and be saved as selection set. A saved group of items can be later used to perform some action such for review, hide, clash, construction simulation, etc.

Figure 5: Sets window Measure Tools When measuring any part of the model, navigation tools will be deactivated. There are six 6 types of measuring options. A vertex, point, snap point or line end is found to snap to.

An edge is found to snap to. A surface is found to snap to when using measure tools only. Lock Measure The lock feature is used to maintain the direction of the desired object being measured, this prevents the measure line or area from being moved or edited.

Reorient the model, to show the full measurement created. Right click the beam measurement viewpoint, select Add Comment. From the Comments panel of the Review tab, click Find Comments. Click Find, the comment added will be listed in the result panel. This is useful as project review progress, it ensures that you user can immediately go back to the previous views to re-inspect the part of the model.

Review tool can be used to add comments on the saved viewpoints and creating animations. From time to time, project review happens and it is necessary that these saved model views are structured to save time on manually looking for the right information. Structuring and reordering of viewpoints can be done by dragging the viewpoints in the saved viewpoints window to appropriate location.

Folders can also be created to combine viewpoints that have a relation with other viewpoints. To add a folder, right-click on the white blank area of the saved viewpoints window and select New Folder option. Figure 3: Folder creation for viewpoints Edit Viewpoint Settings The current settings of a saved viewpoint can be modified by doing a right-click in the viewpoint and selecting edit. The viewpoints attributes, and display settings can be adjusted from the Edit Viewpoint dialog box.

Current search criteria, viewpoints, search sets can be imported to an ongoing session. Figure 7: Context menu in saved viewpoints window Sectioning This tool enables the user to see what is inside the model by having a cut-away view of the 3D model. Sectioning capability is not available for 2D sheets. Sectioning Modes: 1. Plane Mode — creates up to six 6 sectional cuts in any plane. By default section planes are created through the center of the visible area of the model.

Box Mode — allows user to focus the review in a specific and limited area of the model. The gizmos for these functions are available when Sectioning is enabled. Sectioning Tools contextual tab will be activated. Figure Sectioning Tools contextual tab Create Animations Record, play and exported both the interactive navigation in the model and through saved viewpoints. Tools for recording and playing the animation can be accessed via the Animation tab. Figure Animation tab 2 Ways to Produce Animation 1.

Recording an interactive navigation. Animated transitions between saved viewpoints. Go to Viewpoint tab, click Save Viewpoint icon. Change the orientation of the model by selecting the Home icon on the top left of the viewcube as shown. Rename viewpoint to exercise 2 3.

Right-click in the blank space of the saved viewpoints window, click save viewpoint. Name as exercise 1 4. Change the model orientation by clicking on the upper corner of sides between front and right of the viewcube.

Exercise 2: Inspecting Saved Viewpoints 1. From the saved viewpoint window, expand the 3D View folder. Select Sheet View 1. Try exploring the other saved viewpoints. Exercise 3: Organizing Viewpoints 1. Highlight viewpoints exercise 1 and exercise 2 by holding CTRL key and selecting the viewpoints. Once both of the viewpoints are selected, drag it on top of Section View viewpoint. See figure below. Right-click in the blank white space of the saved viewpoints window, select New Folder.

Rename to Viewpoint Exercise. Drag these viewpoints into the Viewpoint Exercise folder, similar to moving files to a windows folder. Exercise 4: Edit Viewpoint Settings 1. In the Saved Viewpoints window, expand Viewpoint Exercise folder and select exercise 1.

Right-click the said viewpoint and select Edit. Go to another viewpoint. Select exercise 1 viewpoint again. The adjustment done to the viewpoint is saved. Right-click in the blank white space of the saved viewpoints window, select Export Viewpoints. Save the exported viewpoints in ch5 folder. Close the current Autodesk Navisworks session. Do not save. Right-click in the blank white space of the saved viewpoints window, select Import Viewpoints.

Exercise 6: Export a Viewpoint Report 1. Repeat step 2 from exercise 5, except to select Export Viewpoints Report instead. Save the report in the ch5 folder. Open the report in a web browser. In the Resolve dialog box, select Ignore All option. Change the model orientation by clicking the Home icon on top of the view cube. Switch to the Viewpoint tab and click Enable Sectioning. Drag down the Z-axis arm until the model is sectioned in the Z axis.

Highlight the move gizmo once again. From the Sectioning tools tab, highlight the Move gizmo to show the box section. Zoom to the model and move the Xaxis arm red of the gizmo to the right. Enable the steering wheels and click on orbit. Orbit around the model to view the part where section passed. Close the steering wheel. Drag the Y-axis arm green. From the Sectioning tools tab, click the Scale gizmo Zoom in to the center of the model.

Drag the Z-axis arm of the section gizmo above. Ensure that orientation is similar as shown in the figure below. Save the viewpoint as Top Section Repeat step 15 for Plane 1 and Plane 3. Highlight Link Section Planes Grip the face between the X-axis arm and Y-axis arm of the section gizmo and drag towards the inside of the building.

Right —click the viewpoints animation, select Edit. Set the duration to 40, click OK. Go to Entrance viewpoint. Right-click in the saved viewpoints window, select Add Animation. Rename the animation to viewpoints animation. Drag the viewpoints to the created animation, as shown in the figure. Exercise 9: Create Animation from an Interactive Navigation 1. Zoom in to the model as shown below. Enable the Third Person from the Realism drop down. Go to Animation tab, click Export Animation.

Set the following parameters as shown. Enable Gravity from the Realism drop down option. Walk a little closer to the front of the building. Save to ch5 folder. Proceed with the walk around the building. Click pause. Go to Viewpoint tab, turn off the Third person. In the Navigate panel, select Look Around. Go back to the Animation tab, select the Pause icon to continue from recording the navigation. From the scene view, drag the mouse and look around the model.

Click Stop. From the Animation tab click the play icon. Manual creation of task can be done in the task tab as well. The timeliner supports a hierarchical task structure, similar from how it was imported from the data source.

Status Icon Indicates the status of each task listed in the timeliner. When planned and actual schedule is Incorporated in the attached work schedule, two bars will be shown to display the comparison on how the specific task is being completed. Insert Task - Inserts a new task on top of the task currently selected. Task types, appearance, task definition Simulate Tab When work schedule has been linked to the object models this can now be simulated.

It is through the simulate tab where animation of the work progress can be played and additional details can included. Simulation Settings Dialog Box Defines how the schedule will be simulated.

Figure 4: Simulation settings dialog box Challenge Systems Inc. In the Task tab of timeliner window, click Add Task four times. Configure the parameters for each task as shown below. Highlight the first task from the task view, beneath the task type click and select Construct.

Highlight the remaining three task, right click in the task type column and click Fill Down. Repeat step 7 for Wheels task and choose Wheels. Go back to the timeliner window, rightclick the Attached cell for Chassis task and click Attach Current Selection. Go to Simulate Tab, click the Settings button. In the Simulation Settings dialog box, change the View to Planned. Click the Edit button below the Overlay Text.

From the dialog box, click Extras button and select New Line. Repeat step 16 this time select Currently active task. Click OK twice. Click the play button in the Simulate tab. Go to Data Sources tab of the timeliner window.

Select Rebuild Task Heirarchy. Go to the Task tab, data from the file have been extracted as shown in the task view. Click Apply Rules. Click the X mark to close the dialog box. From the Sets window, notice that sets have been created. The naming convention used for sets creation follows a rule that will automatically add the object sets that bears the same task name.

Go to Simulate Tab and click Settings button. Change View to Planned 4. Click Extras button once again, select Currently active task. Click Font to adjust overlay font settings. In the Font option, select Technic. Change playback duration to 30 seconds. The clash detective of Autodesk Navisworks enables effective identification, inspection, and reporting of interferences clashes in a 3D project model and conflicts are immediately resolved before breaking grounds.

Figure 1: Clash check result Challenge Systems Inc. There are for tabs on this dockable window used for specifying the rules on how to identify clash, choose the trades that would have interferences, show the result of the test completed and to generate a shareable report to other team members for their audit. Note: The interference check capability of Autodesk Navisworks is only included in the Autodesk Manage version. Figure 2: Clash detective window Clash Summary Information The upper portion of the clash detective window that provides the information of the currently selected clash test.

It will also show when clash result is outdated. When no test is taken in the current session, this Rules Tab The rules tab allows the user to specify objects that will be ignored when running a clash test.



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